El Cerrito High School 1962 Marching Band Trip to the Music Man Festival in Mason City, Iowa

Practicing early in the summer of 1962.  We were simultaneously selling chocolate bars to defray costs. Itinerary is done - we're getting revved up for departure. The buses have arrived!  We're packed and ready to board - I see myself and numerous friends in the next few photos. Crossing Donner Summit on old Highway 40 - this was before Interstate 80 and the Donner Summit bypass was constructed.  The old highway is a beautiful twisty route above Donner Lake. One of our stops out on the Nevada desert.  This is my last photo from the trip since I, alone, did not return home with the band, instead heading off for a railroad trip around the eastern US. An article citing (and including a photo from) our participation in the Music Man Festival.